September 17, 2011

When is a liberal not a liberal?

I followed a link and ended up with this ignorant drivel. There will be a quiz at the end with one question: "Who's crazy here?"

"I consider myself a member of the religious left and I can tell you unequivocally that Sarah Palin, Rick Perry, et al are PHONY Christians and not only that, they don't know diddly squat about the Bible. For example, Genesis was never intended to be construed as literal history. The next time someone tells you they are a "creationist", ask them which version of creation in Bible they believe in? There are two and they contradict on another. One in Chapter 1 and the other in Chapter 2 of Genesis. Put them side by side sometime and you will see what I mean.

"Sarah Palin, Rick Perry, et al are PHONY Christians
...Oh no they're not. They are very, very real insane christians. Just ask them - they'll tell you.
You can make that 'no true Scotsman' argument all day long, but it doesn't change the fact that any religion can say anything, or that their interpretation of some hokey text is just as valid as yours.

And they don't know the bible? Who cares? Not their followers. (Not that it matters anyway, since it can be interpreted in unlimited different ways.) They don't know the Constitution either, but that too doesn't matter to the wingnuts.

It's Rick Perry-type christians and no other kind who are running the country. You can't deny it.""Anyway, it doesn't do any good to say that so-and-so is not a 'real' christian. Nor does it accomplish anything at all to use the bible as an argument for a political side, even to point out contradictions.
In my view, to do so is harmful, because you'll never convince people that their interpretation is incorrect; it simply legitimizes the illegitimate source of authority that gave us these kooks in the first place."

Your answer here_______________.

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