Business Opportunity: Unlimited rewards (including book offers and speaking fees) for the best Gore-ification of this factoid.
Must expect projected personal profits of <$1.5 billion, economic factors including increases in unemployment (See: blood pressure, suicide, fast-food fat gain, et al.); greater offshore drilling to store accumulated space dust; penalties for not cleaning space dust from fluorescent light bulbs (Global Dimming) -- the ones with toxins and mercury -- and criminal charges for the possession of a "clean" incandescent light bulb.You will be monitored, at a cost to taxpayers of $749,483.26 and rising. Go to it! It worked for Global Warming/Climate Change/er...Weather -- it'll work for you! Imagine the jobs you'd cost -- the global economic blackmail opportunities you'd gain. There's no end to the profit to be made until the global economy is ruined, so hurry. Time is short! Call 1-900-555-GORE (1-900-555-4673) for more information. There is a $500,000 charge for this call. Specify: q Senator q Representative q Former Vice-president q Former President (available only after January 20, 2013).
What great aches from little hoke-horns grow.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
- Voltaire
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